i-hug-exploder-shanks · 13 hours ago
Destiny 2 Incorrect Quotes- 46
Eido, holding an antique bottle: Do you think it's an ancient tonic? Perhaps an elixir?
Young Wolf: *grabs and chugs the entire bottle*
Young Wolf: It's perfume.
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tarakanpaintedpurple · 13 days ago
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A good scribe needs a good arm
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thewildnopeboat · 9 days ago
Guardian, pulling out the checklist: okay, so... ah gross.
Ghost: What? *zooms over to their shoulder and looks over* Ew...
Eido: Is there something that is the matter, Baron?
Guardian: Clovis's area?
Eido: Oh yes! I have detected som- *insert nerding out*
Guardian: *cringing* still there?
Ghost: He sometimes hijackes the radio frequencies and bombards us with useless facts about how great he precieves himself.
Eido: Oh? I have not received any, and Spider has not reported any issues with his detection squads...
Guardian: Sonofa BITCH
Variks: Language.
Eido: That was english.
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tiredarts-sketchbook · 9 months ago
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I was hit with a vision
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awokennerd · 8 days ago
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Eido! Had to draw her soon after completing act 1 of this episode. It's just based on a screenshot I took while playing to try some colors for some of the things in her tonic lab. There will definitely be more Eido art coming soon!
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kinadestiny2 · 10 months ago
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First time meeting their friends
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theavocadojam · 2 years ago
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Happy Easter! 🐇 🐣 Hope you have a warm and wonderful spring!
I wonder if Eva teaches the Eliksni about Earth customs…
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miyagiie · 2 years ago
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eggofritts · 2 years ago
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I want to BITE them!!! crunch on them like a lollipop (I did that once and hurt my teeth lol) Im happy the translucency came through very nicely 🥹🥹🥹 I wanna make more… (Mithrax, Petra, glint, hive royal trio, shaxx, o14, ana, elsie, etc. there are so many choices…)
They’re all 2.5 inch acrylic charms
I will also be selling these at Sacanime 2023 in January and then putting any extras online after that. Very limited quantities bc I’m not sure how many people want these as well
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voidaspects · 2 years ago
Let 👏 Eido 👏 have 👏 her 👏 library
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shesareb3l · 2 years ago
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SynAck-3 bringing some holiday spirit to the Eliksni quarters.
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thewildnopeboat · 9 days ago
Guardian, fresh from an Onslaught: Potionseller, I am to go into battle and need your strongest potion!
Eido, caught up on Earth memes and culture: My potions are too strong for you traveler.
Variks, sick of this: Guardian, this is the third time today...
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thecrowmaiden · 2 years ago
Also on Ao3
Drifter wasn't expecting Eido to try and give him a nickname, but here he was trying to figure out what he didn't mind being called. Because "brother" sure wasn't it.
The hatchlings scattered off after the last story, chittering about the Drowned Captain and jumping at shadows as they raced back to the comfort of parents and family. They were so much like any other batch of kids that Drifter had to smile, as he wandered off himself. He was glad he’d been roped into adding some flair to the odes. Although Eido was honestly picking up quick; she definitely had more imagination than he’d first expected of a House Scribe.
When Drifter poked his head around the doorframe to her room, the aforementioned Scribe waved cheerfully at him. A trail of paper led from her to where he was standing, and he stooped down to scoop up the errant pieces that had obviously slipped from the pile in her arms. Grinning, he tossed them onto the table that was covered with all the other things that she’d gathered herself or been brought by the Guardian.
“I think you dropped something, Crabcakes.”
“Indeed I did.” She beamed at him, her voice bright as her eyes. “Thank you, brother!”
“Uh. What?”
Caught too off guard to respond with a glib comment, Drifter stared at Eido blankly. He felt the skin at the back of his neck prickle before he found the rest of his voice, trying hard to keep it smooth.
“No offense meant kid, but how ‘bout you don’t say that again?”
“Why? Brother is the appropriate comparison to sister isn’t it? Oh! I understand; sibling would be better. My apologies.”
“No it ain’t that, it’s just...” Drifter scratched his head, and shrugged. “Look, when I say brother and sister, it sounds rakish. Stylish even. When you say it, it sounds...religious.”
He shuddered dramatically at that implication, but he gave Eido his best lopsided smile so she didn’t take it personal. “Just Drifter is fine, y’know?”
“But...” Eido’s posture radiated her confusion, and she shuffled her bits of machinery and fragments of Eliksni lore around on the table. “My research gave me the impression that nicknames are a sign of trust and affection amongst humans. I’d… only wanted to return the gesture.”
Well, shit.
Drifter bit back a grimace. Maybe recorded history didn’t mention how many humans used nicknames as a way to be impersonal instead. He wasn’t out here using them as a sign of affection, that was for sure. Or…he mostly wasn’t. With an internal sigh, he scratched his head again. Okay sure, he liked Eido. And the uncomfortable twinge in his guts made it clear that he hated to disappoint her. But he really couldn’t handle her formal little voice calling him brother like he was some Dark Age priest. Even if his first reaction had been to rebel against the sentiment, the way she said it didn’t actually enthuse him.
What else could she call him, though? Anything along the same theme as ‘Crabcakes’ would probably catch him all four hands of her overprotective dad—or one of them with a sword. Drifter had the feeling that the mean he’d thought Mithrax still had in him would show up real quick if the Kell thought someone was flirting with Eido and she was flirting back. Poor guy was still learning how to parent.
Forcing a chuckle, his mind still scrambling, Drifter propped himself against one of the crates in the corner.
“Now, don’t look at me like that, little sister. ‘Brother’ just don’t suit me is all.”
Eido tilted her head to the side, inspecting him as if she meant to deny his claim in that regard. The faint white-noise crackle of her rebreather was the only sound for several seconds until she hummed vaguely, and her gaze moved down to the datapads and papers still strewn about on the table. Her disappointment showed clearly in her voice and body as she carefully picked up a dented little tin from the assortment in front of her.
“Of course. My apologies, Drifter.”
The twinge in his guts increased, and he sighed at himself. Damn it all if he was going to be okay with walking away from things like this. Pulling out a coin, he rolled it across his knuckles to buy himself time, watching as her eyes were drawn to the simple trick. A smile rolled across his face in unison with the coin across his hand, and he flicked it seemingly into nothing. He quickly pulled it from his ear like one of his common Gambit tricks, and laughed when all four of her eyes grew big as saucers.
“Don’t tell me you’re impressed by this bit of human magic, Crabcakes!” He pulled out a second coin and sent them both dancing over his hands. “Any old uncle in the City can do this.”
And just like that, he had his answer.
“Wait!” He snapped his fingers and the coins slipped back into his pockets. “Uncle!”
“I…beg your pardon?”
Eido blinked, clearly having not followed his train of thought. She still had the tin in two of her hands, and she looked around the room as if expecting to see someone else that Drifter was addressing.
“That’s what you can call me.” Grinning, he tapped the side of his nose. “Brother may not suit me, but I’m a sure bet for a disreputable uncle. How about it?”
Setting the bit of human history down amongst the rest of the clutter that meant so much to her, Eido took her time considering his offer. He wondered if she was thinking about the uncles she’d found in her research, or if she was considering what her father would think of it. He’d admit to himself later that the pause had made him maybe a little uneasy, and he was maybe more than a little relieved when she’d suddenly nodded.
“It would make sense considering your relative age compared to mine...” Her posture straightened up a bit and she nodded again. “Yes, yes I think that’s a perfect compromise.”
Then with what he could only describe as a shy smile, inasmuch as the Eliksni could, she bowed her head to him.
“Thank you, uncle.”
And he smiled back at her, the pain in his guts relaxing into warmth in his chest.
“You’re welcome, kid.”
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awokennerd · 3 months ago
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I finished my latest Eido drawing! Her studying on her off time about the headless ones, because the Festival of the Lost is right around the corner. Bubo may have doodled a headless one and it made Eido want to research them again, even if it's only august. Eido is one of those girls.
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perpetuallyawesome · 2 years ago
Sometimes I just think about how I was making an Eliksni OC in my head in the middle of the season of the haunted. Who in so many ways is a loooot like Eido
Like. I somehow knew what the devs/writers where thinking or wanted and now if I ever flesh her out more I feel like I need to change her so she's less like Eido lmaoooo
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kinadestiny2 · 1 year ago
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As Korean and English speaker I really wish there’s an equivalent of Unni언니 in English
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